This morning was the first dry morning for three days, and despite low threatening cloud, we really needed to go out and see what the rain had brought. Practically at the first 'pan'* we saw a large herd of oryx and an even larger herd of springbok. They were frisky and moving west. At the next pan, it was the same story, but this time even more oryx, a few red hartebeeste (an animal that has declined dramatically in numbers) and about 20 giraffe. The next pan, the same story. We must have passed 300 oryx (compared to the 10 or so from before the rain) and 500 springbok. And then, with a massive stroke of luck we glimpsed an ear of a lioness. And she wasn't alone. With her were another adult female and four strapping half grown cubs - exactly what we were looking for...
*In this part of Africa, a 'pan' refers to a low flat grassy area which the grazing animals prefer. During the short Kalahari rains (normally November to January), water collects in these areas carrying nutrients. The animals also like it because the grass is short and they can see if anything is creeping up on them.
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