
Settling Down

Still working out where to put everything but we're getting used to our new home...

The filming crew are all back home and the whole team are together for a brief week before the next leg of filming starts. While the boys were away, the home of Ammonite was moved from it's rather cramped quarters in Cotham to a fantastic building designed by one of the world's most astonishing men Isambard Kingdom Brunel.

The building has been neglected over recent decades this summer our offices looked a bit like this

and there was quite a lot of work to do to achieve first this

and then this

It's been an amazing project: in an attempt to be as green as possible our furniture and fittings have all come from salvaged/recycled/reclaimed sources with a minimal use of new timber. Planted right next to the railway station we will be arriving for work by bike, train, bus and Shank's pony and hoping that our visitors will do likewise. But most of all this is the most beautiful place to be, we're hoping that the spirit of one of the world's greatest inventors will inspire Ammonite to design equipment that will lead us to uncover even more of the wonders of the natural world ...


savannah said...

Congratulations on the new digs! xoxox

LẌ said...

Very striking ceiling moldings! Have not seen anything like that. Any info?

Oh Hai Savannah!

nursemyra said...

the end result looks amazing with all that sunlight streaming in

ammonite said...

Thank you Savannah

Xl - the Victorians were big on decoration and had a big gothic revival which is evident in Bristol's railway station and associated buildings (this building is part of that complex). The room with the moulding on the ceiling is the only one in the building like it and it also has a very special window so was probably used as a fancy conference room.

Nurse Myra - the light is fantastic in all the rooms and was the selling point for us.

Madame DeFarge said...

It is a marvellous ceiling. I could sit and stare at it all day. No work though, just staring.